climate conditions become less favourable during the onset of winter
months, rodents move indoors looking for both shelter and food, however,
in commercial premises rodents can be a problem all year round.
actively look for food at night. Their diet includes food material of
both animal and plant material and apart from mice, access to water is
rodents are nocturnal their activity is seldom observed during daylight
hours, so it is important to recognise signs of their presence.
Signs of rodents:
- If nesting in roof space, look for holes through your insulation;
- Ceiling fibres bundled up, nest;
- Burrows;
- Runways (Dirty smears round entry/exit holes);
- Droppings - they deposit their droppings everywhere that they travel, they are unable to control this action;
- Stains from urination;
- The fruit in your fruit bowl has bite marks in them;
- Loss of stock in your pantry or production area.